yearnings report

june 3rd, 2023
initial projection are good -- we're 
	tracking tears by the rain barrel, categorized by source
one thousand from New York City dating app
	users staring at unrequited messages
two thousand from those in crowded rooms where they seem miles away
	from their friends beside them
three thousand from those seeing a toddler 
	holding their mother's hand	and staring at their own

and we're just getting started baby —- we're
	bottling that empty feeling in your stomach
from bad days and good, turning torn love letters
	into wallpaper for emo kids
wilter flowers are being dried en masse to make
	the emotions persist eternally

there are songs... so many songs -- we
	play them until they liquify then solidify
we shape them into sculptures and chairs and
	sofas that sink into you as you sink into them

our team has never felt better as love feels 
	requited and even the sadness tastes like ice cream
our CEO wrote a thousand love notes and folded them
	into origami Gundman mechs and it didn't matter
who was meant to receive them -- we hold hands everyday
	and let the I's fall away


written by nikhil sethi in alamo square at the html energy meetup